Late summer/early fall is the best time for aerating and overseeding lawns.


Your lawn will have time to become establish and prepare for the winter and the following season. All aerations will include an application of humic soil treatment. Adding overseeding with the newest seed varieties and starter fertilizer will give you an affordable lawn renovation.

Aeration and Overseeding Timeline

Spring & Fall: Aeration

The benefits of core aerating your lawn are:

  • Allow more oxygen to the root zone

  • Help eliminate weeds that strive in compacted soils

  • Move fertilizer and humic soil treatments to the root zone faster

  • Reduces thatch

Fall: Overseeding

The benefits of overseeding are:

  • Introduce grass varieties

  • Help fill in bare and thin areas

  • Insure an established lawn with less weed interference for the following growing season