I offer my customers a five-step lawn care plan that benefits both the grass and soil.


I start with an evaluation of your lawn and soil to see the condition. The plan includes crabgrass and broadleaf weed control as well as grub and turf insect control. I use people, pet, and pollinator friendly products and follow safe pollinator application practices. The plan runs from early spring through mid fall. If you are curious about the Keereweer lawn care plan or have any other questions about lawn care in general, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Lawn Care Timeline

Step 1: Seasonal appropriate fertilizer

  • Lime

  • Iron

  • Weed control as needed

  • Humic soil treatment

Step 2: Fertilizer

  • Crabgrass control

  • Grub control

  • Weed control as needed

  • Humic soil treatment

Step 3: Mid summer fertilizer specifically for drought conditions and summer stress

  • Surface feeding insect control

Weed control as needed

Humic soil treatment

Step 4: Seasonal appropriate fertilizer

  • Lime

  • Iron

  • Weed control as needed

  • Humic soil treatment

Step 5: Seasonal appropriate fertilizer

  • Lime

  • Iron

  • Weed control as needed

  • Humic soil treatment