Mosquitoes can turn your pleasant backyard oasis into a nightmare. Besides causing painful bites, these pests also carry diseases that can transfer to humans and pets. The key to controlling mosquitoes is persistent reduction techniques.

My process always starts with an evaluation of your property to see where potential breeding and nesting areas are. Mosquitoes can breed in less than an inch of water so it is important to eliminate any source of standing water. After eliminating places they can breed in, repellant spraying and use of larvicides will help keep the mosquito population down. I typically perform mosquito control in March through October. If you are interested in discussing mosquito control, contact me today. 

Mosquito Control Timeline

April through May: Evaluation

Mosquito control begins with a property evaluation for breeding and resting areas. 

March through October: Control and Reduction

Control and reduction is accomplished with larvicides. 

March through October: Periodic Repellant Spraying

Control and reduction is also achieved by monthly repellant spraying.